1. The DataStore storage system |
1.1. A bit about users |
1.2. Directories like subtrees |
1.2.1. Subtree types |
1.2.2. Creating subtrees |
1.3. Change the owner and mode |
1.4. Commands that can be used |
2. Manage the DataStore |
2.1. Foreword |
2.1.1. About the managing programs |
2.1.2. General usage options |
2.2. smchmod - Change acces permissions for subtrees and documents |
2.2.1. About smchmod |
2.2.2. Program usage |
2.2.3. Examples |
2.3. smchown - Change owner |
2.3.1. About smchown |
2.3.2. Program usage |
2.3.3. Examples |
2.4. smgroup - Administer user groups |
2.4.1. About smgroup |
2.4.2. Program usage |
2.4.3. Examples |
2.5. smquery - Manipulate data in database |
2.5.1. About smquery |
2.5.2. Program usage |
2.5.3. Examples |
2.6. smtree - Manipulate trees in database |
2.6.1. About smtree |
2.6.2. Program usage |
2.6.3. Examples |
2.7. smuser - Manipulate users for datastore |
2.7.1. About smuser |
2.7.2. Program usage |
2.7.3. Examples |
3. The Simple Exchange Profile (SEP) subset used ! |
3.1. Description |
4. How you can assemble new service to the server? |
4.1. Prewiew |
4.1.1. About servers |
4.1.2. About services |
4.2. Implementing a new block |
4.2.1. Requests for your block |
4.2.2. Steps to resolve | Step.1 - Get the server directory | Step.2 - Adding the new service (block) file | Step.3 - Assambling the blocks | Step.4 - Register dependencies | Step.5 - Configure your block | Step.6 - Register logging | Step.7 - Create the new server file |
4.2.3. Verifying |